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  3. That meme reminded me of this Lee Majors, Burgess Meredith made for TV movie. The Last Chase: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082642 Pretty cheesy flick but I remember liking it when I saw it as a teenager. Wheels
  4. True. But with their employees quitting (and good game programmers have lots of options and will probably just move on to something else), I wouldn't be surprised if Razbam folded. How many people actually work there? Three quitting is probably a pretty big hit.
  5. I mean c'mon let's be real they're a 3rd party flight sim developer. They don't have a lot of places to go (DCS and MSFS), so they better work it out. Those communities are bit but not that big.
  6. On their Discord, Razbam is still saying that they want a quick resolution. They also said they don't want to hurt ED or DCS, as they're Razbam's primary business partner. So, I'm still hopeful they'll figure things out. But of course, it's hard to know what is actually going on.
  7. Looking bad... three of Razbam's programmers just quit.
  8. https://il2sturmovik.com/news/851/update-5203/?_gl=1*1n83f56*_ga*OTIzMzYzNzE5LjE3MDYzOTY2MTc.*_ga_M3ND9NY3EC*MTcxMzI5Mzc4Mi4xNTYuMS4xNzEzMjkzODEyLjAuMC4w
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  10. Nancy is one of the best acoustic guitarists... no, one of the best guitarists of any form and this is one of the best guitar intros ever. She's just badass...
  11. Lots of love songs out there but this is one of my favorites and a beautiful acoustic version.
  12. What a voice and still powerful.
  13. I would have probably opted for the Crystal Light if I had known about this. The battery has been an issue (battery life) with my Crystal Sim. The only downside for the Light version is the lack of eye tracking which makes quite a difference for me for clarity in the focus area while reducing GPU load using foveated rendering. The Super looks great but quite pricey. The Light looks to be the best replacement for the G2 and doesn't have Zuckerburg in your room. Waiting to see how it compares to Big Screen Beyond. The Light starts at about 8:00
  14. Thanks, just downloaded it.
  15. https://forum.dcs.world/topic/341576-dcs-changelog-and-updates-2024/?do=findComment&comment=5415916
  16. Music... one of my favorites. I actually heard this through the headphones in a B-25 for the first time down in HRL in the early 80s. It was a hoot. Nat King Cole, "Straighten Up And Fly Right"
  17. The AC is a C-46 which was acquired from the Marines after sitting at Pensacola for years. Pending restoration. This particular aircraft actually flew supply missions over the "hump' to China in WWII. I never realized a ball gunner in a B17 did not have a down-the-barrel sighting mechanism Exhaust flame suppressor used on C-47s carrying paratroops and gliders to destinations in France in the wee hours of 6/6/44
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