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Jasta 6, how many EU pilots?


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If I remember correctly JG1 was mostly a US virtual Squad. Now I read from your calander that a Jasta 6 for european pilots exists. Just wondering how many Euro pilots you have. Reason being, that I am presently looking for a online squad that speaks english. I am currently a member of J99, but after flying for/with Tangmere (Il2) I wish to continue flying in a squad that uses english.


Mark (lederhosen)

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S! Lederhosen


We'll get you that info asap, currently we are in a bit of restructure mode trying to re-organize after the Great Flood of '15 (Our website server was literally drowned in a pool accident). However we are making inroads to get things back on track as its the perfect time to do so.





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Hi Lederhosen,


Jasta 6 is mostly made up of pilots from I./JG 1: http://www.jg1.sk/


They started out based in Austria, but most of them are from Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland.


They currently have around 9 pilots, with their Jasta commander being JG1_Baron_J6.


If you're interested in flying with Jasta 6, I would contact Baron directly on the I./JG 1 forums.


If you join Jasta 6, he'll then contact me and I'll get you all set up on the official JG 1 Richthofen website, which is here.


Hope this helps!





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