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Meanwhile the most reliable and to avoid "Verschlimmbesserung" ( German word for: if you´re doing something for improvement, but actually make things worse ) is to keep everything at default. At least it´s how I´m dealing with the nvidia control panel meanwhile.

Today I liked setting DLSS to balanced, sharpening 1 (full) and no terrain objects shadows the best for VR ( the other DCS settings maxed out or off )  with the G2 and a RTX3090, but still some stutters left and right, but very smooth, fast and good looking when focusing ahead.  

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Some good points here. 

  1. For sure get the latest graphics driver. I initially had a complete PC crash. Updating driver fixed it. I also got the latest CPU driver to be safe.
  2. He makes a good point about allowing time for the fxo and metashader files to re-build. I always delete them prior to any update.


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what I wonder about is, if that Deep Learning in DLSS means, that the performance and how it works gets better over the longterm. Is there really some sort of AI working in the background?


Supercomputer Performance

DLSS uses the power of NVIDIA’s supercomputers to train and regularly improve its AI model. The latest models are delivered to your GeForce RTX PC through Game Ready Drivers. Tensor Cores then use their teraFLOPS of dedicated AI horsepower to run the DLSS AI network in real time. This means you get the power of the DLSS supercomputer network to help you boost performance and resolution—and it gets even better over time.

Then connected to the chip in your head "Zuper visual ACE"

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GPU: 3080

Now running in MT with neck saver

I spent the afternoon working on getting the blurrys out and still have the sim look good. I don't worry about FPS as long as it flies smooth:

Here are my setting with ipd of 1.2


Choose medium, then TAA or DLAA gives about the same result.

Test bed was the UH1 flying "fast" low level in the trees, and the FPS sucker mini guns firing.

I could probably tweak more, see no need at this time.

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  • Klaiber featured, pinned and unpinned this topic

Came to drop mine after a fresh boot this morning, pulling 72 fps in the Harrier and Hornet. 

Note: I don't normally have my Resolution to 4k, this was just a test and to take this screenshot.  Now I reproject on the smallest 4:3 (1280x960) resolution and run Oculus Mirror for stabilization for streaming/recording. 



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2 hours ago, Britchot said:

Came to drop mine after a fresh boot this morning, pulling 72 fps in the Harrier and Hornet. 

Note: I don't normally have my Resolution to 4k, this was just a test and to take this screenshot.  Now I reproject on the smallest 4:3 (1280x960) resolution and run Oculus Mirror for stabilization for streaming/recording. 



Thanks!  I'll compare this to what I have tonight or tomorrow.

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Liking the hotfix patch.  SSS now works with Dlss and the shadows do look nice with no noticeable performance hit for me.  Running basically same config as Brit but all textures, shadows cranked all the way up, 1.3 Pixel Density. Getting high-60s average and it looks really nice and smooth.

Disabled OpenXR toolkit in windows

DLSS at quality, LOD switch at 2.

Ghosting  seems lessened, but the rubik's cube black dots are still there at max LOD.  That's the last issue for me with 2.9.

Running Nvidia 4090 and 12th gen I9 CPU, Reverb G2

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10 hours ago, Vonrd said:

How do you do that and why?

Disable it through the XR Toolkit Companion that should have installed when you installed the package.  Just uncheck DCS.EXE at the bottom.

Since I got my 4090 and didn't need FSR anymore, I was really only using it for sharpening  and some small color adjustments.  Now that the game supports sharpening in-game, I didn't see the point in using it anymore.  Don't know if it made any real difference but, it felt good to disable.....

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If you own the P-51 I found an instant mission that is a good stress test for settings.

 I believe it was called "Low Level Hell."  I found it in the Normandy and Caucasus maps.  It is a low level bomber escort mission at dawn with a low overcast. 

I have a 4090 paired with the 7800X3d.  If you run the game in multi threading the in game FPS counter will tell you where your bottle neck is, CPU or GPU.  It will not tell you your bottleneck if you launch the game in single core.  For me, I'm always CPU bound no matter what map or mission.  I'm assuming this mission adds stress to the CPU due to the AI bombers and triggers in the mission. This mission gave me terrible stutters I ended up going from medium to low shadows and changing my max FPS.

Another set of missions is the Normandy furball missions.  If you own a WW2 module and the Normandy map you have access to a couple.  If you own multiple WW2 modules try them all. I found that some of furball missions have different weather which will give you different lighting and shadows effects.

Another thing is FPS throttling.  With the Valve Index and Steam VR I am able to adjust the max FPS for my headset.  I would like to run it at 144 but I can't.  I get micro stutters. I also get them at 120FPS. But I don't at 80FPS. 90FPS is still debatable.  When I ran the "Low Level Hell" mission I ended up changing the FPS to 80 and changed the shadows.  I rarely change 2 things at once so I may try it again at 90.  Capping your FPS at a reasonable level does smooth things out.

For me I can alt-tab out and change the FPS limit in Steam VR among other settings.  So that's a good quality of life aspect in trouble shooting. Restarts are a pain.  

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