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death in campaign


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Hello lads! Your campaign generator is very cool. I really like it.


But may be you can do some improvements?


1. in the beginning of war, a radio on soviet planes was made on cartoon basement so during flight, It dampen very quickly and there was continuous noise in the headphones. So russians pilots just turned radio off, and in fact they flew without it, or the radio had only flight leader. It was during begin of 1942.


2. during american’s north africa operation like “torch”, they used f4f4 wildcat (from aircraft carrier), and more earlier british used one of its variants -“martlet”( i dont know exactly, is it equals f4f3?) .


3. the main thing: when you play campaign, sometimes you are dead or captured. Today if it happened, you are to replay the mission you were killed, and score are zeroed. Playing the same mission again (and sometimes again and again) is not very nice, and you know sometimes this last fight happens to be very great (for example, I was captured, but my AI wingman shot down a lot of enemies).

So would you like to make something like this: after dead of capturing, the gamer can anyway continue the next mission in campaign, with all stats reset, like instead of dead pilot came new one, and war is go on.


I hope I wrote it accessibly, because I’ not very good in English.


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1. You can set whether you want the radio on or off in the DCG options. So if you don't want to have radios on the Russian planes in 1941, you can do it.


2. For simplicity, the African campaigns exclude carriers, but if they did, they would certainly have the F4F.


3. You can "trick" DCG to continue the campaign of a dead/captured pilot. After the pilot dies, just run DCG and hit the "Generate Campaign" button. Then go and continue the campaign with the "dead" pilot. His stats will be set to zero.

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3. You can "trick" DCG to continue the campaign of a dead/captured pilot. After the pilot dies' date=' just run DCG and hit the "Generate Campaign" button. Then go and continue the campaign with the "dead" pilot. His stats will be set to zero.[/quote']


which order must i do this? my pilot is killed, i reduce the game, generating new mission in dcg, and exiting from mission to game menu. there is no "CONTINUE" button, only try again. sure i can try again and it will be new generated mission but squadrons result of the lost mission will not be count for no one. in the campaign status will be all awards.

i'd like to continue campaign without no interrupt.

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Note, with this method where if I die, I close the mission and use the DCG app to Generate Mission, will all activity which occurred during the mission I died in count for ongoing outcome of the campaign? Basically, if my flight hits an airfield hard with multiple static plane and other ground objects destroyed, will these efforts affect the newly generated mission with that field being suppressed?


Yea, as noted, it would be great if upon death or capture in a DCG campaign, the Apply button could continue to be made available and all results from the death mission would apply to any and all new missions moving forward.


Though, of course if the DCG Generate Mission does this (records/applies death mission results to next/ongoing campaign), then we are golden?!

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