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Strange issue with DCG

Dr. Uzi

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I am using the latest IL-2 version 4.12.02m, HSFX 7.02 and DCG 3.47. I installed DCG as instructed but whenever I attempt to start DCG it takes me to the select DCG executable thing, but it when I select the .exe it gives and unnamed errror (error window comes up with nothing but a red x in it). Also I cannot select the IL-2FB.exe either, it gives the same problem. If I close this window (it takes clicking close three times and then closing the error box that comes up) then DCG starts.  Everytime I adjust any option in DCG the select exe window pops up again until I click on close three times. DCG seems to be working in IL-2 as I can select a DCG campaign and fly it, mission generation is working  and stuff, but the settings I adjusted in DCG options dont seem to be sticking since I selected squadron density to full but I'm not seeing that many planes in the sky. Can anyone help me here? Does DCG perhaps not work with the latest IL-2 version? I am using the steam version if that matters at all. Thanks for the help.

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