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DCG AI/Autopilot Waypoint Help?


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Hello, this is my first night with DCG, And im currently trying out a US Army Italy '43 Auto Generated Campaign. But theres one issue. I've noticed that when the ai and I take off of the runway and make a turn to follow the waypoint, most of the friendlies in front of me nose down and crash into the ground. To test this, I turned on autopilot right after taking off, sure enough, autopilot made that turn, nosed down, flew like 10 or so feet of the ground and then crashed into the ground. Any tips on fixing this? I have tried setting the transit altitude to 5000 m for my player squadron, but no joy. I'm out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated!  :P

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Sounds like the AI got tweaked from when I put that campaign together or maybe it's the particular plane in question.  The fix is to add the airfield to the airfields.dcg file and set the take off waypoints such a way that they can through any surrounding hills.  I can post the fix if you let me know which airfield it is.

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Sounds like the AI got tweaked from when I put that campaign together or maybe it's the particular plane in question. The fix is to add the airfield to the airfields.dcg file and set the take off waypoints such a way that they can through any surrounding hills. I can post the fix if you let me know which airfield it is.


I dont know what airfields have this problem. I have a feeling its most of them, because this happened more than once. I know this because I restarted the career multiple times to test and this ended up happenening pretty much every time. Its not so much ai crashing into the hills because they seem to be ignoring altitude levels. They just dip dowm into the ground and kill themselves right after takeoff. 


UPDATE: IT Seems to be with every airfield. I just tested out the USMC Pacific 1942 campaign auto user generated, and although not right away, Now when the AI/ Autopilot crashes to the ground at random. Most noticably when the waypoints make a U-Turn. I'm starting to thing this should be on the bug reports forum instead, as it seems to only be happening to me. Please help! This makes the campaign literally unplayable!


P.S. I Am Running The Steam Version of IL2 Forgotton Battles, so that may also be whats causing the issue, Though i did properly patch it to 4.12

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This behavior appears sometimes also in  DBW (modded 4.10m)!


If you make a short mission with 4 planes in FMB which take off and the first waypoint (after take off point) lay straight ahead of the runway direction, nothing happends! But if the first waypoint lay abeam (tested 90 degree) of the runway direction almost always the second plane shows this behavior!

So i personally thing it has only indirectly to do with DCG more with the AI!


Would be interesting to know if this happened also in unmodded versions . . . 

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I do Not have DBW installed to my il2 i dont think. Im just gonna make a new fresh game and install 4.13 to that. That might help if i start fresh. I'll update my results soon! 


Update: Appearantly when I tried making a backup from before that erased my gamedata. I'm just going to reinstall the game and then move straight to 4.13... This is gonna take a while. Especially with this damned controls setup. Pray for me :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  

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I had this problem reoccur on the airfield on the south island of the pacific islands map with both 4.122 stock and 4.122 modded to CUP. I seemed to have fixed it with new waypoints in the airfields.dcg file, the trick was as Lonestar suggested to have the first two "normal fly" points straight ahead as long as possible before turning and have the turning points far from any hills because they will also use these points on the landing cycle, though it did not work on the CUP mod "Dutch New Guinea" map that I created an external campaign for, no matter what I did they kept crashing into the hills near Tami Airfield, they all just kept following the second plane into the hills :(  at a loss to explain why it doesnt work on that map, but I never did get the campaign working properly so have since given up on it

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