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Project to revamp the pacific campaign


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The current Pacific campaign has many deficiencies.  I would like to revamp it, but I have no campaign creating and mission creating experience.  So how should I get started?  What should I get mastered first? FMB?  My plan is to create something on the side first and then test it extensively.  If everything works fine then we can get Paul's permission to merge with/replace the existing one.  

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I quick read through this guide.  Just have a question.  If I want to create something like this, how would it do it?  Say in mission 1.  I was able to damage the enemy carrier but not sink it.  I want the damage recorded and passed onto the 2nd mission, so that the 2nd mission I can continue on to finish it off.  I believe currently if you don't sink it in one mission, the carrier will be fresh again in the next mission.

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I don't think that is possible as the stock game does not have a feature to start a mission with a carrier in a damaged state. Lowengrin has been kind enough to un-hardcode a few things to help DCG be more compatible with modded games but it doesn't make sense to add a feature to DCG that only a tiny subset of DCG-users (i.e. those with some sort of mod to allow what you are talking about) would be able to use.

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I would bet Paul is also playing a modded version of the game. Otherwise how could he fly TBD in Coral Sea?  :D   Also, I am not trying to introduce new feature into the Generator itself.  This gonna be a 3rd party campaign to begin with.  Some of the non-stock planes (such as TBD, TBF) will be flyable.  It'll be similar to Lonestar's carrier ops campaign, only this is not for DBW.  If possible I'll try to make it compatible with HSFX and CUP.

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