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InWar Tournament in IL-2: BOX


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Salute guys!


I would like to invite all of you who flyes in IL-2: BOX to our weekly project called InWar: Interactive War.

You can find more information about it by this link - http://inwar.club/en/




The project is really interesting and unique in comparison with another IL-2 servers. Here, you need not just to be good pilot but also need to be able flying in the team, to help the team to gain, to take real-time tactical and strategic decisions.

Maybe exactly because of these features, we have a leak of pilots - many of the potential participators prefer to just dominate instead of flying and geting feeling of participation in the online air-war.

So if you find this project interesting for you - please register and fly with us. No matter which side you prefer -  USSR or Germany - we will find place for you.

At this time, we're flying one time per week on Friday at 19:00 GMT (7:00 pm GMT). Right now, we have started a new stage of the tournament and the first mission will be this week already.


If somebody has questions - please PM me or just write here. I'll appreciate to help.

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Hi BvM, thanks for the invite!  I./JG 1 is already involved, and really loves the tournament.


Quick question for you - is InWar dead-is-dead?  If not, what are the rules regarding pilot death?  I looked at the Rules section of the website, but I didn't see it directly discussed.



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If anything, I want to see how they put the mission together.  Looks extremely complicated, and in my experience, complicated = fun

There is still old-school method - we're checking and counting results from the one mission and according to them prepare the next one. We're using for that a count of available planes, a count of side's resources, a situation of the front-line.


Is the first 2 hour segment held at 1900-2100 GMT, then the 3 hour segment from 2100 - 2400 GMT?  Or are these held on 2 separate Fridays?  Or is it run concurrently?

There is only one mission per week. For example, the preparation mission will be today and it lasts 2 hours. Next week, we start the attack mission which runs 3 hours.

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I./JG 1 is already involved, and really loves the tournament.

Are you sure? I didn't see any of them during the flights and don't see any from I./JG 1 in the pilots' list at the project's website. Are they registered without squad's name?


is InWar dead-is-dead?  If not, what are the rules regarding pilot death? 

No, it's not dead-is-dead and there are no strong rules for that. But the pilot's death has some consequences. The pilot's rank and all his rewards will be reset to zero - that's shown at the personal pilot's page at the project's website. That's why assault plane pilots are almost always have the lowest rank and no rewards  :D  Besides that (and it's more important) a pilot lost the plane. To fly again, he must bring a new one plane from the supply airfield. That but costs time and resources - so the player can still play but at the same time not fight till he get a new plane (let's see it as penalty but not sitting on the sofa but flying in the game) and secondly his loss has effect on the resources' situation as well on possibilities of the team to attack or to defend.

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Sure wish I could participate but I'm at work during that time.


Yeah, so am I.         :angry:


That's really pity! Maybe we will find another time solution for the missions. Before, we have started two missions per week: the preparation mission was on Thursday and the attack mission on Saturday. But the flying on Thursday was uncomfortable for almost all pilots because of their jobs. At the same time the Saturday missions crossed events in ROF (they were in the same time). So, that InWar doesn't have more leak of pilots because of FIF or Bloody April (at the moment) and vice versa we have decided to run the missions only one time per week and on Friday. Unfortunately, that's also not so optimal and maybe will be changed one day.

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Are you sure? I didn't see any of them during the flights and don't see any from I./JG 1 in the pilots' list at the project's website. Are they registered without squad's name?

I was until you asked. :P


I./JG 1 (who is also Jasta 6) is listed at the bottom of your rules page. They're gruppenkommandeur is Baron.


No, it's not dead-is-dead and there are no strong rules for that. But the pilot's death has some consequences. The pilot's rank and all his rewards will be reset to zero - that's shown at the personal pilot's page at the project's website. That's why assault plane pilots are almost always have the lowest rank and no rewards  :D  Besides that (and it's more important) a pilot lost the plane. To fly again, he must bring a new one plane from the supply airfield. That but costs time and resources - so the player can still play but at the same time not fight till he get a new plane (let's see it as penalty but not sitting on the sofa but flying in the game) and secondly his loss has effect on the resources' situation as well on possibilities of the team to attack or to defend.

Thanks for the information!

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Honestly, as a Geschwader, we really want to get involved in InWar.


I think the only problems in the past have been scheduling.


I./JG 1 and III./JG 1 are European (specifically Czech and Slovakian).  So it's easier for them to participate.  I'll talk to their GruppenKommandeure: Baron and Hroznys.


II./JG 1 is interested too.  But being North American, it may be a bit harder for them to get active.  We'll work on it. :)

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Hi BvM,


Both I./JG 1 and III./JG 1 say that Friday nights are difficult for them, due to family responsibilities.  They're going to try and participate, but they unfortunately can't guarantee that they'll be able to attend with any regularity.


And of course, II./JG 1 is in the same boat due to timezone differences.


We'll keep working at it, with the hope of getting more involved soon.

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