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Oculus Rift Tweak

Karl Spackler

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In the quest for more clarity of image in Oculus Rift VC1 I did some google sleuthing and found this:




However, this:





Long story short, the debug tool is already installed per the ed forum thread post, so don't bother trying to install any SDK's, it's unnecessary. 


Change the "Pixels Per Display Pixel Override" parameter from 0 to 2 and hit enter (you know it's set when your 2 changes to 2.000000)


I recycled the Oculus software that starts up automatically, and rechecked the debugger to confirm it was set to 2. 


I did immediately notice improvement in E:D and the A-10C. Much less fuzzy. 


I will test some more after GoT.

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Further refinement:


All this does is force the pixels to x2 if the software tries to downgrade it. With DCS you have that slider that goes from 0 - 2.5. If you set it to 2.5 this should theoretically downgrade it 2. However, it may be placebo effect but I really feel like I saw an improvement sitting in the A-10C cockpit. The environment outside the cockpit on the other hand, not so much. I don't think this is Oculus' fault. That's on Eagle Dynamics.


Elite Dangerous does not have a pixel density option, only resolution options that only apply to the main screen, and when running VR really only affects the size of the window on the screen (if running in windowed mode). Here I think is where this tweaker functionality has more value. 


Lastly, the changed debug value is not a permanent setting to the video card (Brit, like high speed data loggers, autopilot tweakers, etc - yes I still remember LOL). You have to do this prior to every session.

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So, I tried VR with DCS 2.0 and there seemed to be a lot of bugs.


But VR in DCS 1.5 is pretty smooth.  Was very impressed actually.


VR in Elite is of course beautiful.  Only the Galaxy Map gives me pause, but the Xbox controller makes that easier.


And I even like VR in BoX.  Haven't flown it much, but it was pretty enjoyable.

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StarVR might up the game in the VR world.  Probably won't come out for another year or so but I'm very interested to see how Oculus and HTC react.  I do not regret getting my Rift, I will just build a second computer for my kids to play with me and get another VR headset ;)




It does look like this, in that photo, though:


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More Oculus ramblings.


I realized last night within Elite that there are VR graphical settings.  Once I set mine to VR Ultra, and then changed the Pixels Per Display Pixel Override parameter from 0 to 2 (after each start up), Elite all of a sudden popped and looks like a million bucks.


Same with DCS.  Once you change it to VR graphical settings, it looks great.  In both 1.5 and 2.0.


I still have problems with DCS 2.0 and the MiG-21, though.  The radar doesn't fully render.  And if you stick your head out of the cockpit, the aircraft fuselage isn't fully there beneath the pilot.


But as far as I can tell, all the other aircraft look okay.


Strangely, I can't find anyone else on the Eagle Dynamics forums with the same problems regarding the MiG in Oculus in 2.0.  So I may try a repair of DCS 2.0 to see what's going on.


Side note: the Bf 109 and the Fw 190 look amazing.  So do the Spit and the Mustang.  It almost makes me like them. :P

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this thread helps any or adds to what you've already posted above but I stumbled on it today.  Having not been able to try anything above yet, I'm not sure if it's simply duplicated information.




That Oculus Tray Tool in there seems to have open on start-up options that might prevent from having to do it each time you boot up, though. 

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Yes, in the search for more clarity I tried the debug tool. Indeed, setting the pixels per pixels displayed override to 2 did sharpen things up a lot. Problem is choppy frames in stations. Dropped it to 1.5 and still not smooth.


Using EDProfilier I set super sampling to 1.0 and HMD image quality to 1 (anti aliasing was already off) and then used the debug tool to set pixels per pixels override to 1.7 and things look sharper with smooth frames. Still need to play with it more, but I'll go with this for now.


What VR graphic settings are you guys using in Elite? I'm still looking for good baseline settings for my gtx 1080.

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Ok, you are using the game’s VR Ultra setting.


Fired up Elite and ran it at VR Ultra with acceptable frames and the usual VR blur.


Restarted with the Oculus Debug Tool and set Pixels Per Display Override to 2.0.  Sharper, but stuttering in stations.


Lowered Pixels Override to 1.5 and better, but still some hesitations.


Lowered Pixels Override to 1.33 and had acceptable frames with the sharper image.   Will run these for the time being.


FYI, my machine is an “Oculus Certified†ASUS ROG G20CI with i7-7700 and GTX 1080 new this June.  It’s sort of half way between a mid-tower computer and console game machine.  Very interesting appearance, but the fans are working overtime to keep it cool.  One would think it would have no problems with the Rift.  Driving my 34 inch ultra-wide curved monitor at 100 hz is a piece of cake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's what I had to do.


I landed up picking this one up through Amazon:



I'm going to have to pick this up to do some wire cleanup on my PC.  I'm looking at buying a few new peripherals and I want to have access to the USBs to swap between games. 

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