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il2 Sturmovik VR Settings Mod & Configuration


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Big strides in game ! 


First is 3DMigoto Mod for VR: 




Second is updated Graphics settings by Fenris Wolf, these are very different than what I was running previously but make a really big difference.




Let me know what you think.



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I installed it and put those settings in and I believe I have good results.  I only tested a quick mission against a single aircraft.  Removing the propeller is worth the trouble, alone.  The only poor thing is that I need to start a new mapping of my controller with the new inputs :D

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Okay, I'm sold.  I jumped onto Coconut's server and was able to see and identify several different aircraft.  I managed to land solid hits on 3 different aircraft, getting full credit for one. http://coconutside.eu:81/en/sortie/26811/?tour=9


I'm using a custom 3.0 and the 2.0 zooms, but I may go back to 2.0 and 1.5.  I seem to go cross eyed on 3.0 but to solve it I close one eye as I zoom in and then open it back up.  I have noticed a few multiple images on aircraft at certain angles, but that could be my settings. 


I will not be going back to TrackIR for BoX.  Probably not even for tournaments. 

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Okay, I'm sold.  I jumped onto Coconut's server and was able to see and identify several different aircraft.  I managed to land solid hits on 3 different aircraft, getting full credit for one. http://coconutside.eu:81/en/sortie/26811/?tour=9


I'm using a custom 3.0 and the 2.0 zooms, but I may go back to 2.0 and 1.5.  I seem to go cross eyed on 3.0 but to solve it I close one eye as I zoom in and then open it back up.  I have noticed a few multiple images on aircraft at certain angles, but that could be my settings. 


I will not be going back to TrackIR for BoX.  Probably not even for tournaments. 




Let's talk about how you doubled up on the VR Zoom and the Mod Zoom.



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  • 7 months later...

3dMiGoto moved his thread.




Edited: He added a keybinding which helps looking at aircraft against clouds. Initial testing, it works well in VR. It seems he adjusted the shaders because I find it less saturated. I've been trying to adjust the files to reduce the saturation even more but haven't had any luck yet.



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  • 2 months later...

So here is what I did to get to where I am today using the 3dMiGoto mod.


To start off I have the HTC Vive Pro my settings will be different but the process should be the same.


I first got my Box settings to where I could maintain a high frame rate it dips into the 50's at times online but for the most part its in the 80's.


2nd this was important to me because the Vive Pro has a slightly higher resolution and I'm using a 1080Ti.  I could get a good picture and decent frame rates. However I couldn't spot contacts. I actually had to roll back my resolution back a bit to get them to render. What I did was set up a quick mission head to head 7000m apart. Once I was rolled back far enough to spot the contacts from 7000m, I called it good.  Everything still looks good at this setting so that is taken care of.


Next was the color settings. Which was a combination of QMB and online flying.


Lip, here are my settings. Still a WIP.


;Color Fix
Key = ALT no_shift no_ctrl u
type = cycle
; modify the last value with what you want to use for color increase (should be the same as default)
z6 = 0.1, -0.05, 0.0
w6 = 1.0,  1.0,  1.0  
x1 = 0.7,  0.2,  0.5  
As you can see I have 3 settings.
Z6 is basically your gamma. Anything higher than .1 is too washed out. Anything below .05 is too dark. Even for a bright winter map.
X1 is Color saturation.
For my brighter setting I have the color set to 0.7 too add color while keeping it bright.
I dropped the color on my darker setting  to 0.2.
The 3rd is the in between setting.
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Lip, something you mention last night made me think of this now. Are you using Steam VR for your Rift? Not sure if this will help you.  With the Vive in the Applications menu for Box I have  Override Global settings and Disable checked. It gave me that weird underwater effect with the propeller that you Rift guys where experiencing.


Maybe some day I can re-enable it but for now that is where it is. Its a motion smoothing option to save frame rates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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