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Reading of Ships ini and all ini for maps


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G'day there mate, Just a thought, i had been reading about having to add ships and maps info to DCG, would it be possible in the next build (i hope), to have DCG access the the game being used's  Ships ini and all ini for maps ? , just like in the set up, we have to "guide" DCG to where our game folder is , could there also be a drop down for us to point DCG to the game owner's maps all. in as well as the ship.ini ? or chief ini ?, then DCG could read from that direct, so those with the different maps, ships and aircraft wouldn't have to go and put them in manually. I thought it would be an easier option to have this done in the set up stage of DCG, this would also make it a bit more universal, as well as keeping the info needed in the DCG programmed files smaller, as DCG would ONLY need to use the owners own ini/property files. and it then wouldn't matter about having to please everyone with everything available at present. point DCG to the different ini and property files it needs to run campaigns, as many folks have different game set ups ie. ships, maps, planes, objects, etc.  then DCG could use each individual owner's game "stuff". hope this makes sense. As I thought it would be easy to implement it, well reasonably, and also keeps DCG small too, as it would "read what it needed" from the owner's own game files.. this may also fix any patches updates Team D give out community. just like in karate and judo, use the opponents weight against them ...  use the game files itself so DCG can use them for itself. if you get my drift.




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Interesting thought, but it'd require more time than the next build to implement as the next build is pretty much ready right now.  :D

In all seriousness, it'd all take me some extra time to get familiar with one or two of the mods out there to see the file formats before I could even begin to do that.

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Hey there mate, cool thanks for that info, in my simple thought processes, I didn't even think of the way DCG was put together, my apologises, much more complicated than I realised.

But if never ever ask, you never ever know .lol.& I am now just a tit bit more knowledgeable ,thanks again, love your work, cheers.


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