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A new generation of skinners


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It's gratifying to me to see that several members have taken interest in making their own skins. I am completely in support of that! For quite some time myself and Hess (and Butzzell for WWI) were the only ones who seemed to have any interest. Probably because of my enthusiasm and willingness to dive in to making JG1 skins I became the JG1 "Skin Guru". I am still more than willing to make skins for JG1 members who would like a skin and either have no interest or knowledge to do so and I am also willing to be the "Guru" but I do not want to be the sole arbiter / critic of whether any member's self made skin is accepted and installed in the JG1 Skinpacks. That being said, until we come up with a current official acceptance policy, any skins submitted, unless they violate any of the basic requirements noted below, I will add to a skinpack update.

Skins must comply with this naming convention:


The naming of the skins had become somewhat haphazard. Butzzell and I, along with input from the JG1 community, came up with a naming convention (actually mostly Butzz 🍺). Here's an explanation of it with 3 examples: 

! JG1 Bf109G2 Smr Yellow 11.dds

! JG1 Bf109G14 Wntr Stab Geschwader CO.dds

! JG1 FokkerDr1 Luftritter B.dds 

  •                                                                     There is a single space between entities... no underscores.
  • !                                                                  This will place our skins at the top of the list (at least until someone else ups the ante with multiple exclamations).
  • JG1                                                            This will group all of our skins together.
  • Bf109G2                                                    I decided to stick with the name exactly as it is in the plane's folder for consistency, you can always refer to the folder when doing a skin.
  • Smr / Wntr                                                Self explanatory (some planes don't have winter skins so they won't have this in the name).
  • Yellow 11 /   Stab Geschwader CO      The individual's plane.
  • B                                                                 Subsequent iterations of the same plane for the same pilot will have the suffix B, C, D... etc.


How we vette the submitted skins will be one of the subjects in the upcoming October command meeting and we will work something out. Also, we will be discussing the JG1 skin policy... the current policy can be seen here (and will most likely be updated):


In recent discussions we have come up with the basic skin requirements (No. 1 relates to Richtofen):

  1. Does the skin have a Jasta color on it, along with personal color(s)?  The answer should be yes.
  2. Does the skin look like a clown car?  Subjective I know, but the answer should be no.
  3. Does the skin violate our code of conduct document regarding hate symbols?  We're looking for a big no here. (No swastikas, etc.) 
  4. Do the colors on the skin look correct when in game?  No glowing skins, no holes due to overuse of black, etc. (I can provide some sample colors with RGB numbers of colors that seem - on average- to render best).

If it happens to be historically accurate, even better.  But it's not required. (But historic "palusability" is certainly highly encouraged!)

I am happy to provide any assistance within my limited level of expertise.

Looking forward to what you guys come up with. 

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A more up to date version of the JG 1 Paint Policy for Oesau can be found here:


We'll work on a RIchthofen one, as Vonrd said.  But keep the above four points in mind as you work on stuff for WW1:

12 hours ago, Vonrd said:
  1. Does the skin have a Jasta color on it, along with personal color(s)?  The answer should be yes.
  2. Does the skin look like a clown car?  Subjective I know, but the answer should be no.
  3. Does the skin violate our code of conduct document regarding hate symbols?  We're looking for a big no here. (No swastikas, etc.) 
  4. Do the colors on the skin look correct when in game?  No glowing skins, no holes due to overuse of black, etc. (I can provide some sample colors with RGB numbers of colors that seem - on average- to render best).

If it happens to be historically accurate, even better.  But it's not required. (But historic "palusability" is certainly highly encouraged!)

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