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FIF 2019 "Fall Campaign" - Session A1 (Saturday, 12 October 2019)


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FIF 2019 "Fall Campaign" - A1 Results (Saturday, 12 October 2019):
Blue (Central) Objectives Completed: 16

  1. Espionage Completed
  2. Artillery Correction (Arty Spotting) Completed
  3. HQ Reconnaissance (HQ Recon) Completed
  4. Destroyed Entente Aerodrome
  5. Entente Moving Ship Destroyed
  6. Destroyed Entente Factory
  7. Destroyed Entente Bridge
  8. Central Prisoner Rescued
  9. Destroyed Entente HQ
  10. Strategic Recon Completed
  11. Espion Target Destroyed
  12. Reserve Unit Destroyed
  13. Front Line Unit Destroyed
  14. Off-Road Entente convoy Destroyed
  15. Wreath Drop Completed
  16. HQ Recon Secondary Objective Completed

Red (Entente) Objectives Completed: 14

  1. Destroyed Central Factory
  2. Artillery Correction (Arty Spotting) Completed
  3. Reconnaissance of Front Lines (Trench Map) Completed
  4. Destroyed Central Tanks at Factory
  5. HQ Reconnaissance (HQ Recon) Completed
  6. Destroyed Central Bridge
  7. Destroyed Central Aerodrome
  8. Central General Captured
  9. Destroyed Central HQ
  10. Trench Attack Completed
  11. HQ Recon Secondary Objective Completed
  12. Central Moving Train Destroyed
  13. Wreath Drop Completed
  14. Front Line Unit Destroyed

Total "Phase A" Objectives Completed (to date):
Blue Team = 16
Red Team = 14
. . .
Server Stat Information: http://fif.jg1.org/mission/9008/
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