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Ground attack mission in airstart


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What plane are you using?

In DCG, not every landing site suports every plane. This is easily changed, BTW, so no worries. You need to tell us what campaign are you flying and what plane.


Did you check difficulty settings when you started the campaign? Could it be you accidentally set for only airstarts?


How many squadrons are there in the campaign? Too many active squadrons in a .mis file may prevent your flight for starting in an airfield.


Could you post the dcgerror.txt file here, please?

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Hello Fhechene,


Thank you for your help.

The campaign actually involved is a third party one, "War over Italy" by Vonofterdingen, and my plane is a P47D10.  I enabled airstarts via the dcg options, but I read somewhere this setting didn't concerned the player squadron. Moreover, if I manually set dcg so it create a mission wich is not a ground attack, I take off from the airfield without any problem. There are 15 squadrons involved in the campaign.


I met the same behavior in the stock East front DCG campaign (Riga1941), flying a Bf109E7.


I'll have a look to post the next dcg error when it will be created. And I'll try to disable the airstart option too.




EDIT: Allright, nevermind. Indeed, disabling the airstart option solve the problem. My bad, I really thought the player sqadron was not affected by this option. Meanwhile, it's strange that airstarts only happen in ground attack mission. Anyway.

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11 hours ago, Razneff said:

Hello Fhechene,


Thank you for your help.

The campaign actually involved is a third party one, "War over Italy" by Vonofterdingen, and my plane is a P47D10.  I enabled airstarts via the dcg options, but I read somewhere this setting didn't concerned the player squadron. Moreover, if I manually set dcg so it create a mission wich is not a ground attack, I take off from the airfield without any problem. There are 15 squadrons involved in the campaign.


I met the same behavior in the stock East front DCG campaign (Riga1941), flying a Bf109E7.


I'll have a look to post the next dcg error when it will be created. And I'll try to disable the airstart option too.




EDIT: Allright, nevermind. Indeed, disabling the airstart option solve the problem. My bad, I really thought the player sqadron was not affected by this option. Meanwhile, it's strange that airstarts only happen in ground attack mission. Anyway.

Could you still take the time to post the error.dcg when you create a GAttack mission with air start? It would be really interesting to see what actually happened.
Glad you could fix that occurrence.

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Lol... I've re-enabled the airstart option, and now, everythink works fine, no more airstarts in ground attack missions it seems. Go figure. I wonder if, perhaps, the fact that I've created the campaign when the option is on could be the reason of that. I'll make some tests and report if I can recreate the problem.


EDIT: Nope, it did it again. Airstart option was on.


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[2020/06/26 16:23:31.333] 9AF_036FG_22FS0 modifies route to escort 8AF_353FG_350FS0.
[2020/06/26 16:23:31.334] 9AF_036FG_22FS0 begins enroute to target.

You are 22th FS, no?


Also, notice how it loads data twice

[2020/06/26 16:23:16.345] The scenario is "Invasion".
[2020/06/26 16:23:17.585] Campaign Data Files = C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\IL2DCG\WarOverItaly\
[2020/06/26 16:23:17.586] Campaign Backup Files = C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\IL2DCG\Backup\Invasion_US\
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.721] Campaign Info processed.
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.723] The map is Invasion.
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.732] Target Locations processed.
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.735] Completed reading Territory information.
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.736] Set Target Nation Began.
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.754] Set Target Nation Ended.
[2020/06/26 16:23:18.755] Checking Stationary List
[2020/06/26 16:23:19.54] Set up patrol routes for CV groups.
[2020/06/26 16:23:19.60] Column List routine complete.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.819] Stationary Objects Check.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.825] Grand Campaign Master Log Check.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.825] Master Log routine begins.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.827] Campaign folder (C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\missions\campaign\us\DGen_i_Invasionlawson0\) selected.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.827] Game Path = C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.828] Finding configuration file to determine log file name.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.829] Logfile = eventlog.lst
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.831] Copying Eventlog to log.dcg.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.841] Mission Path = campaign\us\dgen_i_invasionlawson0\
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.925] Check for Game Mode.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.927] Campaign Preferences Saved.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.929] Master Log routine ended.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.931] Completed reading Territory information.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.942] Checking for campaign transfer (2/2).
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.944] DGen Campaign path selected as C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\missions\campaign\us\DGen_i_Invasionlawson0\.
[2020/06/26 16:23:20.947] The scenario is "Invasion".
[2020/06/26 16:23:21.943] Campaign Data Files = C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\IL2DCG\WarOverItaly\
[2020/06/26 16:23:21.944] Campaign Backup Files = C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\IL2DCG\Backup\Invasion_US\
[2020/06/26 16:23:22.942] Campaign Info processed.
[2020/06/26 16:23:22.944] Campaign folder (C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 - 4.13\missions\campaign\us\DGen_i_Invasionlawson0\) selected.

But whatever, you fixed it and that's good

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