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Utility for Easy Remap of Joystick and Controller ID#s - UPDATED


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A number of fliers have expressed problems with joystick and controller IDs being changed by software or OS updates.

There is a handy utility for assigning a specific ID # to each USB based controller.


It's called PJP's JoyIDs at  http://pjp-s-joyids.software.informer.com/versions/


My apologies -- I do not recommend the link above! 

It's a very confusing download site and essentially wants your email address to put on their advertising list.

There are multiple links that seem to offer a download of JoyIDs but get you nowhere - just more links to other software they are hawking.

Most annoying! That wasn't my experience when I downloaded the JoyIDs executable some years ago.


The version that I have identifies itself as release 1.a

It's a 2Kb file and it's always passed my anti-virus and security scans (I use Trend Micro).

If you want the program, send me a message and I can post it on the JG1 TeamSpeak file browser.


Note: The JoyIDs.exe can assign ID numbers such #1, #2 and so on and lets you swap the ID numbers. See the screenshot below.


However, applications such as ROF see the controller IDs starting at 0 (zero).

In JoyIDs, my SideWinder MS-FFB2 joystick is ID# 1, but ROF reads this as ID# 0, my Saitek joystick as ID# 1 and my rudder pedals as ID# 2.

(I have 2 joysticks as the Saitek has a split-throttle and up to 28 separate button assignments + hat-switch)


The main utility of the program is that it allows you to put your controller IDs in the proper order.

Hopefully, this means you do not have to re-key all the axis and button assignments for a previously working game.



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