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Moxy last won the day on August 27

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  1. According to DCS, the fix should be in the games update tomorrow. Unless v64 screw's DCS again. Frankly this oculus app is a total deal breaker!
  2. For some it works, for others in DCS na.
  3. Augmented reality Working on cutting the cable, (Oculus app and Meta) I found this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpTEwMso-IE DCS kneeboard, pinkish file, Virtual Desk Top, works out of the box My keyboard, desktop capture, sorry, but my keyboard and hands are in the pink
  4. Personally I have a V62 download, so I guess I can keep re-installing it for up to 4 hours. Until when? Thanxs Von
  5. Public Test Channel. The auto updating is related to the PTC. Apparently if you ever turned on that "feature" its in your "Account" and cant stop "Their" updates.
  6. The Quest 3 app, has an "Auto Update" . The update breaks my DCS vr mode, game launch. Including breaking a complete new predestine install. Reinstall the app version before the update, launches....4hrs later, auto update, game crashes on load up. Just found the post. Quest3's look dead in the water, for a fix https://forum.dcs.world/topic/345145-dcs-wont-lauch-since-meta-update-today/#comment-5395706 Mox
  7. ~S~ Doc The spec's you listed above, will run "Il2", like a rocket ship on a monitor. DCS, the other sim, is power hungry , and a not too we'll optimized, flight sim. Everything in the spec's above, will run "il2" and "DCS" just fine with monitors. But if you chose to go into vr, the 4060 8Gb graphics card will be on the weak side. Il2 uses about 4 Gb of Graphic card memory, (Vram) hence the 4060 8Gb on a monitor will be fine. DCS will use every bit of Vram you can throw at it. Doc...My specs bought through Newegg (Katana x21) intel 12700k (K in for over clocking)(12th generation, were into 13th or 14th now) 32 Gig Ram (16 not enough for DCS/fine for IL2) M2 storage "hard drives" (new tec, rocket ship fast and inexpensive)(2 tera bites. games with "skins" take up a lot of storage) Nvida RTX 3070 8Gb (fine for monitors both IL2/DCS..."I run 3 at 5760x1080 reolution") (4060 20% faster) (8GB not enough for VR/DCS) Hope this helps.................Moxy
  8. Flashing the bios on your new system, should be a cake walk. New MB's have a bios flash button on the back, at the connectors. Also usually one can flash the bios, through windows, with a flash program. The only thing, it probably will flash to default setting's, (not sure these days). I know your on AMD, but since a bios is the MB'S OS, cant figure AMD is too different from Intel. See ya soon........Mox
  9. Von Thats the TMP thing on your mother board that you need to have for win 11 (the "is your comp hardware ready for win 11'). Its an encryption gizmo, $30 for one....somewhere you can probably bypass it......Bios.
  10. Just got in-pit..."Am I really that big, or is the pit that small" lol 2 sorties, "Cant go Back to Flat screen"....."I expected, a Field of View, some kind of "horse blinders"...none.
  11. Tonight, tomorrow, etc. lol Thanks
  12. Haven't been able to get it to connect to DCS yet! missing something (Oculus app + air link (cable on the way)) But just shot out all of my real walls, (pass through and room mapping) while at the same time tribbles, were coming out at me, from behind, and over the furniture, and through the holes in my walls. (vr) Millennium Falcon chess game...Reality. lol
  13. nope... I get a "Download unavailable" that's why I asked "Im not worthy"
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