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FIF 2020 "Fall Campaign" - Session A4 (Saturday, 31 October 2020)


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FIF 2020 "Fall Campaign" - A4 Results (Saturday, 31 October 2020):
Blue (Entente) Objectives Completed: 7

  1. Factory destroyed
  2. Artillery Spotting completed
  3. Bridge destroyed
  4. Aerodrome destroyed
  5. General completed
  6. Trench Attack completed
  7. Front line Unit destroyed

Red (Central) Objectives Completed: 11

  1. Espionage completed
  2. Artillery Spotting completed
  3. HQ Recon completed
  4. Aerodrome destroyed [error in mission - did not show on scores]
  5. Factory destroyed
  6. Bridge destroyed
  7. Moving ship destroyed
  8. HQ destroyed
  9. Espion target destroyed
  10. Front line Unit destroyed [error in mission - did not show on scores]
  11. Recon secondary completed

Total "Phase A" Objectives Completed (to date):
Blue Team = 12 + 11 + 10 + 7 = 40 = 1 PHASE POINT
Red Team = 3 + 9 + 12 + 11 = 35 = 0 PHASE POINTS
. . .
Server Stat Information: http://fif.jg1.org/mission/9515/
. . .
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