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J5_Hotlead last won the day on March 14 2023

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About J5_Hotlead

  • Birthday 12/12/1995

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  • Location
    South Dakota, United States
  • Interests
    Military aviation, quality literature, history, and Christianity.

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  1. Been listening to a lot of Jason Dunn recently. Used to be the frontman for Hawk Nelson until he left the group in 2012. Really digging his early 2000s pop/punk vibe!
  2. Hey guys! I just finished my latest book review this morning. This time around, we're exploring Johan Ryheul's KEKs and Fokkerstaffels. I loved the early-war focus and how he organized the chapters! https://climbinghigher.wixsite.com/climbinghigher/post/keks-and-fokkerstaffels-book-review
  3. That looks freaking amazing! Bet it was a ton of fun to put together!
  4. I won't be able to make the 24th, but I'll try to make the other dates. This looks like it could be really cool!
  5. Merry Christmas to my friends in JG1! Hoping you all have a wonderful Christmas Day and a blessed year ahead in 2024.
  6. I think I saw yours once. Technically, we were assigned to high cover with another flight lower. But once it became clear that all the action was on the deck, we came down and stayed there for the rest of the mission. It was great flying with you again too! I’ll definitely keep you guys informed when similar opportunities come around.
  7. Hey @Etzel! Sorry for the late post, but better late than never. Here is the link to the campaign parser you asked for: http://stats.jasta5.org:8002/en/missions/?tour=5 You fought well; we were glad to have you even if only for a short time. Didn't take you much time to shoot one of those biscuit-eaters down, I see. And @Jaus, thank you for coming and fitting into the picket role in the DFW! Not a glamorous job I know, but someone had to do it, and you did your part really well. I know Daedallus really appreciated having you along.
  8. Yep! Briefing begins in less then 15 minutes on Flugpark Discord. Daedallus is the team leader. Report to him for tasking.
  9. Hey Etzel! A pilot just withdrew from my flight due to RL, so Daedallus (and I) would love to have you in my Pfalz D.XII flight, if you're ok with that. Just join whenever you can. I’ll be in Kette 1, in the Flugpark discord. I’ll also message you the password in Discord once I know it.
  10. Hey guys! We have another week of Black September coming up, and Blue Team needs Pfalz D.XII and DFW pilots. I told Daedallus I know where I might be able to find some of those. If anyone wants to help us win glory for der Kaiser this Saturday, just let me know! No need to worry about sign up sheets; if you're interested, just reply here and I will add you to the appropriate sheet. Mission starts at 1pm Central US time / 1800 GMT. Briefing begins 30 minutes before that on the Flugpark Discord. I'll be leading a flight of D.XIIs if anyone wants to wing with me.
  11. That is so cool you actually met him! And I haven't seen Aces High yet... probably need to do that at some point! I can definitely see where "Bodie" was the inspiration for that character.
  12. It's been some time since my last blog post, but today I finally finished work on a book review of "Sagittarius Rising". To anyone who hasn't yet read this literary masterwork (probably in the minority here lol), hopefully this review convinces you why you need to add this one to your bookshelf: https://climbinghigher.wixsite.com/climbinghigher/post/sagittarius-rising-book-review
  13. Nice! The BS test run didn’t happen as planned last Saturday because the server never came up. I think Baeumer and Matthias were away that day. So, we gave the Knights of the Sky server a shot. It was fun! The campaign is scheduled to go live this Saturday at 1700 GMT (briefing 30 minutes prior). Daedallus does have a sign up sheet in the blue team command Discord: https://discord.com/channels/1033138099024302180/1048826596376707173 If any JG1 pilots have issues accessing the sign up sheet (like I did at first) just let me know you’re coming and I can sign you up.
  14. Honestly, things have been really busy for me lately. Until just now, work has been crazy as everyone is ordering school supplies for the start of the school year. I've been flying when I can, but it's been a bit sporadic. Hey Etzel! Great to hear from you! I haven't flown Knights of Skies too much yet, but it looks like a really promising server. Have you guys flown there? And if so, what do you think?
  15. Salute guys! J5 is starting this year's Black September campaign soon, so I thought I'd extend an invite to join the fun. We'll be running some unique planesets, including the new early-war birds from FC3. If anyone's interested, you can find out more here: https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/85434-black-september-viii-campaign-–-september-during-the-great-war/ On another note, how have you guys been? Haven't touched base in a bit and wanted to say hi.
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