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Karl Spackler

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Everything posted by Karl Spackler

  1. Well you did see a bit of it here (and it's beautiful):
  2. Re: Hornet, 2.5, Caucuses map https://youtu.be/5ngXPTFdilQ
  3. Frank Murray - A-12 Cygnus pilot giving a talk. He's a stitch and a half. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGdxpqqsHl8
  4. A quick PM to Chizh and he said this: Originally Posted by USMC_Trev Chizh, Is this: Quote: If you think that the illumination in the new patch 2.2.0 is too bright and contrasting, you can try an alternative tone mapper of graphic engine. Unzip and place to C:\Users\<YOUR NAME>\Saved Games\DCS.openalpha\Config the same thing as I posted about here? https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.p...62#post3322962 Thanks! Trev Not. This fix has no relation to bugs, only changes the btone, rightness and contrast of the picture. Best regards Andrey Chizh __________________
  5. Yeah that was driving me nuts. It would snap in and out in a seemingly random way, kill all the detail in the cockpit, essentially make the cockpit interior mostly black, and then be gone suddenly after some seemingly inconsistent period of time.
  6. Fix for DCS World 1.5.8 and 2.2.0 DCS World 1.5.8 and 2.2.0 have changed the way some LUA addons are working. This is why telemetry export does not work well with these versions. Here is how to fix the issue while waiting for the fix in Tacview 1.7.0: Go in the \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\ folder which correspond to your edition of DCS World Create a subfolder \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\Hooks\ Move \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\TacviewGameGUI.lua in \Saved Games\DCS.*\Scripts\Hooks\ This fix will be integrated in Tacview 1.7.0 About Tacview options menu in DCS ED team is investigating the issue of Tacview special menu which is not displayed in DCS World. Meanwhile, you can manually open the file \Saved Games\DCS.*\Config\options.lua and edit the Tacview section which should look like the following. If you do not see this section, you may have to copy paste it manually into the options.lua file. Code: [select] ["Tacview"] = { ["bookmarkShortcut"] = 0, ["dataRecordingEnabled"] = true, ["debugModeEnabled"] = true, ["playbackDelay"] = 0, ["profilingPeriod"] = 60, ["recordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = true, ["tacviewBookmarkShortcut"] = 0, ["tacviewCompressionLevel"] = 1, ["tacviewDataRecordingEnabled"] = true, ["tacviewDebugModeEnabled"] = false, ["tacviewPlaybackDelay"] = 600, ["tacviewProfilingPeriod"] = 600, ["tacviewRealTimeTelemetryPort"] = "42674", ["tacviewRecordClientsSessionsEnabled"] = false, ["tacviewRemoteControlPort"] = "42675", }, Logged
  7. http://dogsofwarvu.com/forum/index.php/topic,5645.new.html
  8. It wasn't much easier in 1951, and they were using real airplanes and real eyeballs in real air with much better SA, so don't feel too bad.
  9. When VR resolution and frame rate truly equals or surpasses that of the human eye (4K, 45 fps or better, no stuttering and no screen door or fresnel artifact) then there'll be no going back. Track IR's problematic in that I've never found good settings for the movement so it's always lurchy. The IR camera catches and loses the dots on the trackclip if I turn my head too much. It doesn't like it if I get too close. And so on.... Plus, I'm sitting in a chair looking at a screen, and I know it. I don't feel surrounded by the environment. My sense of situational awareness and my sense of my place in the scale of things is next to nonexistent in comparison. Everything is trapped in the confines of that screen. It's the potential for immersion that supplies information to my innate sense of timing, and distance that makes all the difference.. If that makes any sense...
  10. The first night I had Oculus, I got nauseous was driving the dune buggy on a 0.1G planet in Elite Dangerous. It happened within 30 seconds of trying to drive around and bouncing in unpredictable ways that my vestibular system could not correlate with what I was seeing. I was nauseous for days after that. I got over it and acclimated and now it's no problem at all. I also get sick on any kind of ride when the motion doesn't match what I'm seeing. For instance, I vividly recall at Busch Gardens this things where there's a big screen and there's video of something zooming around and the entire audience is on a shake table and the shaking doesn't match up very well with the visuals. I was nauseous for an hour after that. I was fine by the time we got to the Big Bad Wolf though... Roller coasters are great because like flying you can look through the turn and everything syncs up correctly. It's the half-a&S@d stuff that messes me up. Back to VR though. Yeah it's freakin awesome. I did make myself nauseous once flying the Hog and once flying the Gazelle, both in 2.0 on the Nevada map where the video was not great (DCS fault, not the Oculus). Again that was very early on and I acclimated. No worries. The tea cup ride at Disney made me puke once, I am very susceptible, so take it for what it's worth. I love my Oculus. As far as advantage over TIR, it's a 100-fold improvement in immersion and feel in flying. Disadvantage - the relatively low resolution vs. a 4K monitor is well known and well documented.
  11. Must-watch on DCS in game settings for VR, also covers streaming. Very comprehensive, very well presented.
  12. FYSA Hot Shots! is the Folland Gnat reference movie film.
  13. Oh we're doing flying theme? OK I'll see your Foo Fighters and raise you a Pink Floyd:
  14. A two-part series with Dan Akroyd? I got time for that.
  15. Swanky. Envelope filter/horn section badassery. Guy Ritchie & Quentin Tarantino are no doubt aware of this LOL.
  16. It's been all Steely Dan yesterday and today. Walter Becker passed away on Sunday.
  17. This came up in my YouTube home feed today. I have it earmarked for later.
  18. ja The HMD requires a USB and an HDMI. The common workaround for GPUs with one HDMI is to connect the monitor via DisplayPort
  19. It's all about that water cooling my friend. It is the best. I have water cooling on both my CPU and GPU. GPU is a GTX 1070 Seahawk so the water cooling was preinstalled, which was very sweet indeed.
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