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Everything posted by Lowengrin

  1. That is weird. I'll see if I can replicate it on my end and figure out what's going on.
  2. Attached is probably the most significant (if I may say so) build in the last couple years. There are some significant changes to the coding around column (and especially shipping) attacks as well as interceptions and rendezvous. As I got a bit preoccupied with the Okinawa campaign, I basically re-wrote it from the bottom up and changed how kamikaze work. The old code assigned specific squadrons. The new code is more general - any IN/JA aircraft capable of ground/shipping attack in 1945 based in Japan (Kyushu map) or on an off-board airfield can be assigned a kamikaze mission. But because of how potentially devastating they are, I scaled back the number of planes that will be assigned (one per flight). I've also made a number of changes to some other Pacific campaigns including Palau, Midway and Coral Sea. So if you are currently flying a Pacific campaign, using the new data files could mess up your campaign. [upload Removed - see latest below.] Please post any bugs regarding this build in the bugs section of the form. Thanks!
  3. The AI can be assigned to bomb either targets within an area or specific units. Sometimes if the units have already been destroyed, they'll just ditch their payload and that could be what happened...that they accidentally bombed friendlies. I'd have to see the mission file to know for sure.
  4. 1) DCG estimates the flight timings but it's not very accurate given it just looks at distance and cruise speed and doesn't consider how climb impacts it nor the size of the flights and whether they're all taking off at the same time (or starting in the air). That said, I have recently been working on improving the accuracy although I'm not ready to release a new build yet. 2) Again, similar to above. Again, I'm hoping my recent tweaks will improve the accuracy of interceptions. 3) I'd like to say it was "friendly fire", but it's likely that the campaign designer (in this case, probably me), set the German armour's final waypoint too close to the Russian final waypoint.
  5. Seaplanes can take-off/land from/at "_Seaplane_Base" locations. TRUE Seaplanes can take-off/land from/at "_Port" locations. TRUE Seaplanes can take-off/land from/at "_Harbor" locations. TRUE the location "_Seaplane_Base" to the airfields.dcg file? YES the location "_Port" to the airfields.dcg file? You can try (I think yes) the location "_Harbor" to the airfields.dcg file? You can try (I think yes)
  6. I've been tweaking the code and the Okinawa campaign data files...I can't promise it'll make a better experience but I'm trying.
  7. And your action radius? Have you tried making it smaller? It should force the Japanese squadrons based off-board to transfer to on the board.
  8. I've been flying both Hellcats and Corsairs.... In order to get this situation, are there no Japanese held bases left on Okinawa?
  9. Yes, I got carrier attack missions. Japanese planes should prioritize US carriers over protecting their own shipping that are moving away from Okinawa. A quick fix might be to reduce the "action radius". Then once the ships move away from Okinawa, the Japanese will focus on the action closer to the island.
  10. Latest patch of a patch. Should fix the BornPlace issues created in the last one.
  11. Geez, was I drunk or what? In all seriousness, it looks like I did a very bad cut and paste. It's obviously repeating in the middle.
  12. This should fix the issue with the formatting of the Friction variable. (Not)
  13. It's been so long that I forgot that some formats use a comma rather than a period for decimal point. I'll fix it as soon as I'm able.
  14. I gave the DCG stock campaign a try this evening and I didn't have this issue. But then I was USN and the US carriers were the prime target of the Japanese planes.
  15. With the Mosquitos, try changing their payloads to smaller bombs (with less of an explosion radius).
  16. And another build. This one adds a friction setting for dogfight mode. It also tweaks the reconnaissance values a bit for naval campaigns (making a bit harder to maintain contact).
  17. Yeah, the trick is to swing the roads near the airfields and then name the locations "xxx_Airfield" or "xxx_Airstrip".
  18. Attached is the latest beta. This one should improve the chances of player squadrons staying on carriers both between missions and when their carrier is lost. In both cases, they should transfer to another available carrier. At least in theory that's how it should work.
  19. Funny you should mention that. I've been playing some Pacific War DCG myself and discovered the same thing happened to me at Midway. I've been working on a fix (not yet ready to release), but maybe soon.
  20. Generally when all the planes first spawn and they catapult, it means that their takeoff coordinates are corrupt. I suspect one or more of your campaign data files got messed up. Under the Edit menu, you can try the "Restore From Last Mission" option and see if that repairs it.
  21. Really, none. The Fi-156 was not flyable while I was developing missions. It will do basic reconnaissance and that's about it. That said, you could fly it pretty much however you'd like. For example, the Crimea campaign, with the Russians having a number of ships, you could go looking for them. And you could just sit on the runway and wait for the first German pilots to get shot down and then go rescue them. The other missions will play out so it's pretty much a sandbox for you to play in.
  22. I can't edit the title, but it's okay. I know what we're talking about.
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