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Everything posted by Flyboy

  1. I’ve been using switched condition quite a bit the last few months and haven’t noticed a problem (yet).
  2. Yes and have never had a problem with it before. I was trying it with it both on and off and was still causing problems until I undo a lot of settings I had tried from the vr setup link I had posted. Seems to be working ok now so fingers crossed.
  3. Worked fine in IL2 and vr home. Only happened in DCS
  4. Has anyone had this before? With my HPG2 when I would start DCS it wouldn’t align right which caused left and right eyes to be out of focus. VR centering wouldn’t fix it and one time the diff between headset and laptop display was 90 degrees off which was very sickening while in vr. I finally had to undo some changes I had made previously and put the vr on and remain fixed and still while starting DCS which seemed to help.
  5. I AM SO EXCITED!!! Amazon just released a new series Fallout based on the game. Fallout 4 is one of my top games of all time, and in fact I've been playing through it again for the third time, this time on my PS5. Previously played on PC, PS4 and VR (though was disappointed in the vr version as controls are way too cumbersome so didn't finish). We just watched the first episode and they did a fantastic job with the atmosphere, props, etc. Even down to the first aid kits on the wall, the stim shot devices, tv's and even some of the classic Diamond City Radio music tunes (I have those songs on a playlist that drives my wife nuts if I play it)....all like you're in the game. It's a different story line and location but it's all there from power armor, Brotherhood of Steel, ghouls, and of course vault dwellers. I'm hoping next episode to see some bloat flies
  6. Spudknocker. Sorry I should have posted the whole thing.
  7. Here's another thing I'm trying by excluding everything DCS from Windows Defender and my antivirus program (Bitdefender).
  8. Not sure how much time this really saves by time you first load up the map in the editor, but it might help with potential crashes when getting into a MP server?
  9. Just ran across this vid and looks interesting. Started to follow but I didn't have the P-cores button option though I have an i-9 with what looks like 15 cores. From the comments it looks like the suggestion is to split the cores, put DCS dedicated on half of them and all the other processes on the other.
  10. Worth sharing your input. At the end I suggested the module most needing a refresh is the Mig-21 https://forms.gle/RD1xBvNNDYuYVgrw7
  11. We saw it also and I have read all the original books and seen the other movies. I have always loved sci-fi stories and never thought this type would have interested me until I was forced to read the first book for a Sci-fi literature class I took in college. This movie series is by far the best adaptation and even kept my wife’s interest (due in large part by the talented Timothée Chalamet who we also loved in The King and Wonka). There were a few changes from the book I think, especially at the end that I’m not sure about. So I’m currently rereading the series.
  12. Btw I was slightly damaged, Winchester and low on fuel otherwise would have been tempted to give a proper greeting
  13. Saw this in the pilot parking lot today
  14. I suspect there is going to be a flooded market of used quest vr headsets
  15. I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but Hawg reports his fps and visuals have vastly improved!
  16. DCS: MiG-21bis Added clickable polarization filter for the radar screen (controls the radar screen illumination). Hope this works. Very difficult to see the screen sometimes.
  17. I’m working with a tech guy trying to fix my laptop and in conversation he said it is an option you have to downgrade to Win 10 which can help gaming. Might this be an option @Moxy?
  18. I have really been impressed with MSI gaming laptops and got my second one from zTech Computers two years ago. I’ve getting laptops because of my work travels but plan to get a desktop maybe this fall when the new 50 series vid cards come out and will prob go with MSI and zTech again.
  19. Sorry I saw the i7 and 4060 and thought it was good. I’m not a big tech guy so don’t listen to me
  20. That is correct. As Klaiber said it’s not required but it was a huge game changer for me personally. I was into flight sims way back in the Red Baron days but got frustrated with the view system. I moved to the country with poor internet and drifted away from flight sims for years (never tried track IR). It wasn’t until I got better internet and a friend introduced me to VR that I came back and now a huge enthusiast. Of course it’s not for everyone and some people can experience motion sickness. Track IR sounds like a great alternative and I wished I had tried it years ago. I just wanted to let you know of the tech that’s out there now. The best option, if possible, would be to try before buying to see if it’s something worth investing in. A VR headset I believe can cost anywhere from 230 (Quest2) to 1500 (the new Pimax).
  21. I would think that would be enough, and I know some who are flying with much less. Have you considered VR? I was out of flight games for quite awhile also but drawn back in after a friend told me about VR and I have to say it is incredible and so much more realistic. IL2 I think is becoming less popular though I still enjoy Flying Circus/WW1 occasionally. A lot of us have moved over to DCS where it is much more realistic (from WW2 to more modern jets).
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