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Everything posted by Flyboy

  1. So I'm studying and watching tutorials on the Mig-15 in my hotel room. I'm thinking this should be the place to start since aren't we doing an online Korean War event on July 24th? If so would like to be ready and participate. Maybe Monday night I could get some flight lessons? I'm hoping to be home some this weekend to get the controls set up and play with it a little before then.
  2. Big sale now on for everything IL2
  3. Just bought the Syria and Persian Gulf map plus F86, Mig15, and Mig19 all at great prices. Mig21 isn't on sale yet so I'll wait a little.
  4. @Vonrd how about this for a helmet?
  5. I came across this pic I kept from years ago. Even more valid today with the new tech that keeps improving.
  6. I'm going to need some help with this. I spent well over an hour last night trying to get it to work but it made fps worse so I disabled it for now and went back to Steam vr. I'm sure I had something set wrong. More than anything I really would like that XR Necksafer to work on DCS.
  7. I like it. Was mostly trying to be funny and not really a critique. But this looks great!
  8. These all look great, and I can't believe how you can do this so well. But for some reason the eyes of the M21 pilot remind me a little of a Monty Python cartoon. Only a little and just the eyes. Maybe this one? Plus they all look so young..........
  9. I will be online around 9 or 9:30 ET tonight for either DCS or FC
  10. Of course the second one goes great with the JG -Jasta Giggity squadron
  11. Here’s my contribution/suggestions for the OPFOR
  12. https://sierrahotel.net/blogs/news/the-only-pilot-who-departed-in-a-mustang-and-came-back-in-a-focke-wulf
  13. Other things to watch out for/famous last words: "Hey watch this!" "What's it doing now?" (automation on)
  14. Came across this again and wanted to share.
  15. I’ve gotten on the WW1 server a few times solo just to check it out and def think we should try it as a squad practice sometime.
  16. Of course absolutely never NOT! And if I were to bust regs I certainly wouldn't want to put it out on video
  17. He looked to have busted a few FAA regs. Sure didn't look like he was 500 ft min altitude and well above 250 kts below 10,000 ft several times! Very cool though.
  18. That is just so wrong! Bad enough trying to read the altimeters and such on German aircraft and now this??
  19. 3,750/hr or 2,600 for a 35 min flight demo in back seat (non pilots). Pilots with 1,000 hrs and 500 PIC can get a type rating (doesn't list the cost but sure it would take at least 5-10 hrs flying?) http://www.jetwarbird.com/prices.html
  20. I just noticed that the ADI is totally upside down from a modern airplane. Usually brown is ground and blue sky is up.
  21. This always happens to me in DCS also, but not IL2. I just stopped using it in DCS.
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