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VR settings


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For those who asked, Here are my settings for VR. As i've mentioned before it does look like a 90s game, but Generally i can hold down a smooth 30-45 FPS.

I'm running open XR, with an acer AH101 (windows mixed reality).

Ryzen 5 5600x, 32g of DDR 4 @ 3300, and an RTX 2070, my windows drive is on an m2, my DCS is on a raid 0 sata 3 SSD array, and I have a dedicated ssd on sata 3 just for my page file set at 64g.  The goal of this setup was to have separation of windows files, page file for memory swapping, and DCS all acessing different drives and not conflicting on drive bandwidth. 


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2 hours ago, Mouce said:

For those who asked, Here are my settings for VR. As i've mentioned before it does look like a 90s game, but Generally i can hold down a smooth 30-45 FPS.

I'm running open XR, with an acer AH101 (windows mixed reality).

Ryzen 5 5600x, 32g of DDR 4 @ 3300, and an RTX 2070, my windows drive is on an m2, my DCS is on a raid 0 sata 3 SSD array, and I have a dedicated ssd on sata 3 just for my page file set at 64g.  The goal of this setup was to have separation of windows files, page file for memory swapping, and DCS all acessing different drives and not conflicting on drive bandwidth. 


Tried these settings and did get a pretty good increase in FPS on Enigma. Average 20fps. I does look primitive though. I guess it's what it is if I want to fly VR there though.

Il2 is MUCH more VR friendly... but it also is what it is.

Hoping to upgrade to a new PC by Christmas.

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2 hours ago, Vonrd said:

 I does look primitive though. I guess it's what it is if I want to fly VR there though.

Every time I do something to make it look better, I bring in issues with spotting. Like any anti-aliasing, which is very nice and I love, brings the possibility that when the algorithm smooths the edges, you lose the 1 pixel that the enemy aircraft is rendering as. I threw in the towel and said "Alright, if it looks bad but i'm functional, then that's what's going to have to happen." 

I forgot to link how to set your ground clutter to -150000, as 0 on the slider doesn't actually get rid of all of it:

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I went through it thoroughly and gained at least 10 fps for both IL2 and DCS (I'm getting around 45 fps pretty steady now). But..........msfs I am now only getting about 15-17 fps. I don't know what went wrong and will need more time to go back through the settings. I even reinstalled the Oct graphics driver he suggested (he said the newer updates were crap). I even tried a lot of the in game settings lower than he has and I have a similar system.

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  • Klaiber changed the title to VR settings

Gone through the recommended settings, but this time made some FPS benchmark before and after revision of the settings in DCS only.

Some of the recommendations I had already done, like the HAGS thing and most nvidia driver settings ( I would leave the setting in the nvidia driver panel to "maximum performance" instead of "normal", to avoid running it below the break even point for lower performance setting ).


DCS Benchmarks before applying the recommended settings:

Syria map F-16C free flight with reprojection on unlocked: 30/31 FPS. With reprojection off: 51 / 50 / 48 / 47 / 45 / 42 FPS

Mariana map AH-64D rolling start and overfly with reprojection on unlocked: 30 / 31 / 25 / 23 / 27 FPS.   With reprojection off: 34 / 35 / 38 / 40 / 41 / 42


DCS benchmark after applied the recommended settings:

Syria map F-16C free flight with reprojection on unlocked: 30/31 FPS. With reprojection off: 43 / 44 / 40 / 38 / 48 FPS

Mariana map AH-64D rolling start and overfly with reprojection on unlocked:  25 / 23 / 27 FPS.   With reprojection off: 38 / 40 / 39 / 41


So in conclusion, I was a bit disappointed, that a slight degration was noticable instead of increased FPS.  But as said, most recommended setting were already apllied before to the system. In anyway appreciate any performance guide, as there are always interesting tips and tricks with it, even I wouldn´t expect particular recommendations to have an effect at all and just being "nerdy knowledge" shared on youtube.

e.g.: the swap file setting in windows doesn´t seem to be recommandable to me at all for modern high end systems ( as long as the background programs running on the dedicated flight sim PC exceed the usual 32GB RAM when the flightsim is running ). Also the VRAM of high end cards is enough to deal with everything graphics for the flight sim. Also I would expect the VRAM of the graphics card to be faster than the SSD, so it might be contraproductive to set a huge swap file in windows, instead of letting the system process the RAM usage.
@Lipfert With advanced FPS counter in the OpenXR toolkit you could also observe the VRAM usage - I didn´t know that before. It was quite interesting what observed there while running the benchmarks: In DCS the VRAM usage was always around 11,9 GB for me with 3090 24GB VRAM on all flights/scenarios. In the beginning of the Mariana map scenario the VRAM counted up to 17, 18 GB, but then settled quickly at 11 - 12 GB during the flight and stayed at this level of usage. So you were right recently, that the 24 GB available VRAM is not be used usually. Can´t say how this figures have to be interpretated correctly, but this ´counting up´ to 17 / 18 GB of VRAM might be the process in which DCS reserves VRAM and when in flight the approx 12 GB is what is effectively used.

Now to my wondering, after set the swap fil in windows as recommended, I observed a VRAM usage on the Mariana map of only 6 - 7 GB VRAM. Can´t say precisely how this come, but assume, that the algorythm is just looking for the bigger volume of Random Acces Memory to use. In this case it´s really counterproductive as the VRAM on the graphics card probably has got higher bandwidth and designed to be preferable in the graphics process.

Finally I´ve set the swap file in windows back to default windows controlled.

Just a note on reprojection. Using reprojection or not makes a big difference in visual clarity of the image in VR. So I´ve tried to lock reprojection at 45FPS, as got the impression, the performance of my system is enough to deal with 45FPS instead of flying with 30/31 FPS with reprojection all the time, but locking reprojection to 45FPS induces some ugly "heat blur" effects in the view/ cockpit everytime the performace dips below 45FPS, what was pretty annoying and a degration of quality with no noticable effect in improving performance. So locking reprojection to 45FPS really is not recommandable unless the real FPS stays on par or above 45FPS all the time.     


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