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Civil War short film trailer is out! :D


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Hey guys! :)


In 2016, my brother and I started work on a short film set during the American Civil War. Since then, we've come a long way. In 2017, we received permission to shoot our film at a local state park and began the filming process. By the end of the year, we had a first draft put together and started looking for score composers and sound designers. In 2018, we found a score composer for the opening of the film, and found a sound designer for the whole thing. Over the course of the year, we've slowly but surely been working with them. Finally, about a month ago, we sent our final draft of the film to the sound designer to work on. As things stand, we hope to have the short film released before the end of the year!  B) 


Our film (called "Remember Me") tracks the experiences of a single Union soldier from Berdan's elite group of sharpshooters. Although the film is set during the iconic battle of Gettysburg, the film takes a look at the much more isolated and personal battles our main character struggles with. It takes more than nerve and grit to survive the day...


Anyway, without further ado, I'm pleased to present a short teaser trailer for the upcoming film! Enjoy!  :D


PS: If you want to get regular updates on this film and other projects, feel free to follow us on Facebook here:

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Looks really good.


Y'all know that us southern boys will be pointing out any problems with location description or regiment assignments  ;)

Haha, thanks Butzell! That's why although we set the story in Gettysburg, no actual units or locations are mentioned in the movie. The focus is on the individual soldier. ;) 

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Can’t wait for what next! keep pushing.


Thanks Hess! We certainly intend to keep pushing.  B)


Looks pretty awesome.  I enjoy Civil War history.  My wife and I have MANY hours playing Johnny Reb (table-top war game)


Thanks Klieg! I've never heard of Johnny Reb! Sounds interesting - what's it like? 

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Its a miniatures wargame.  Very entertaining, but if you simulate one of the larger battles, it can take weeks to complete.  When we lived in Hawaii, my wife and I played a battle out for 3 months, before she ultimately won, damn canister-shot cannons nearly wiped out an entire regiment of mine (She still wont let me forget about that particular game).  Oh, and if you ever do play it, dont attempt to Cav charge a defensive position, very bad news,  and apparently I'm not Custer.

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Hi guys! With the film set to release next month, I thought it would be cool to post a bit about some of the film's historical backdrop each week leading up to the release. 


This week's topic? The Sharps m1859 rifle.


In a day and age dominated by muzzle-loading rifled muskets, the Sharps rifle was a weapon ahead of its time. Where the standard Enfield and Springfield muskets used minié balls and black powder poured down the barrel, the Sharps rifle used cloth cartridges that were loaded from the breach. This revolutionary new development allowed soldiers to reload while prone or behind cover. It also increased the firing rate of a soldier dramatically. Well-trained soldiers with standard muskets could fire about 3 shots per minute. In contrast, according to one source, soldiers with the Sharps rifle could fire a withering 8-10 shots per minute.


Of course, a weapon this good had to have its downsides. For the Sharps rifle, it was the cost. Much more expensive than the standard musket, the Sharps rifle would not see action with the general infantry. Instead, it would be given to an elite force on the battlefield: the 1st and 2nd United States Sharpshooters.


This weapon was ideally suited for the sharpshooters. Somewhat experimental in nature, the 1st and 2nd US Sharpshooters did not adhere to the traditional rank-and-file tactics as closely as their infantry brethren. Often, instead of taking part in line-firing, sharpshooters could be found in concealment taking out high priority targets from a distance. These high priority targets included officers, artillery battery members, and (of course) Confederate sharpshooters.


(Credit for the tin-type effect on the film screenshot goes to LIBERATOR on the ROF forums)


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So is that a Sharps that the protagonist is brandishing? Replica I assume if so. I would think an original would be in the 5 figure range and I would be reluctant to live fire it.

Yes, that is a Sharps rifle pictured. :) And yes, using the real deal was kinda out of our budget range lol. :lol: Actually, we found nonfiring replicas to use for about $150 apiece, which was MUCH cheaper than trying to acquire firing replicas. This actually worked out pretty well because the state park where we filmed has a rule against uncased firearms; however, the park management was cool with letting us use nonfiring replicas as long as we had people on set to clearly explain the situation to any hikers passing by.

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Hello everybody!


Each week leading up to the release of "Remember Me", we'll explore the historical backdrop of a facet of our short film. This week, we'll look at some of the specialized gear that made the Berdan sharpshooters so unique.


One thing that immediately stands out about the Berdan sharpshooters is that even though they were Union soldiers, their uniforms were a dark green instead of blue. This visually set them apart from the rank-and-file troops, and also added another benefit: camouflage. The dark green of their uniforms blended in with foliage much better than the standard blue or grey uniforms in the Civil War.


The sharpshooters also were issued leather leggings (to protect their legs against rough terrain and snake bites) and a high-quality calfskin knapsack different from the tarred haversacks most other soldiers wore.

Nonetheless, by mid-to-late war, many of these uniforms and special items began to wear out or get lost. Thus, by the time our film is set, most of the sharpshooters had adopted the standard blue frock coats and haversacks or bedrolls.


One item amongst the sharpshooters' equipment is ironic because there is nothing special about it, yet many people often think the sharpshooters didn't have it: a bayonet. It is no secret that the sharpshooters preferred to engage targets from afar; they even threw their bayonets away at one point! But after that happened, the army made sharpshooter unit Captains responsible for ensuring their men kept their bayonets. Any "lost" bayonets were taken directly out of the Captain's pay from then on out. So, by the time our film is set, each sharpshooter would have definitely carried a bayonet...however uncheerfully.


For more info on early vs late war Berdan uniforms, check out this awesome video by the 2nd US Sharpshooters Company D:


(Credit for the tin-type effect on our film screenshot goes to LIBERATOR from the ROF forums)

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Hello everybody! Each week leading up to the release of "Remember Me", we'll explore the historical backdrop of a facet of our short film. This week, we'll look at just exactly how good of a shot you had to be in order to be a member of the US Sharpshooters.


Simply being an above-average shot with the rifle wouldn't cut it. To join the US Sharpshooters, one had to be an AMAZING shot. Just how amazing, you might ask? Perhaps the recruitment call Hiram Berdan (the units' founder) put in the papers says it best: "No man will be accepted...who cannot when firing at a rest at a distance of two hundred yards, put ten consecutive shots into a target the average distance not to exceed five inches from the centre [sic] of the bull's eye to the centre of the ball." (A copy of the paper, as well as a photo of one of the targets after 30 minutes of shooting, can be found attached at the bottom of this post. Click to enlarge.)


In other words, applicants had to put 10 shots in a row, all within a target the size of a dinner plate, from 600 feet...often with nothing but iron sights. Keep in mind, the standard military tactic of that day was to line masses of soldiers up against one another and have them volley-fire in the general direction of each another to inflict maximum casualties. Imagine for a minute how utterly shocking and demoralizing it would be for Confederate troops to suddenly come under pinpoint-accurate fire from a foe they couldn't even see, and you will begin to see how effective a force of marksmen this good could be.


This will be the last historical post about our film's backdrop, because the full film releases next week!!! :D  In fact, the full film has already released to our supporters on Patreon today; if you're interested, check out our page: https://www.patreon.com/RookieAce



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